WSB offers evidence-based solutions that promote ethical behavior and sustainability. The term “evidence-based” means our counsel reflects current research, theory and best practices so that you receive the best information and services available on your choice of topics.


-- Campaign Planning, Execution and Measurement for Advocacy, Annual, Endowment, Capital, Individual Giving, Major Gift, and Planned Giving initiatives

-- Leadership Development featuring Board Trainings, CEO/Executive Director Coaching, Staff Development and Training, Strategies for Attracting, Retaining and Developing Board Members and  Volunteers

-- Grantwriting (research, preparation, submission, management and reporting)

-- Strategic Plan Development

-- Creative, Messaging and Production for Annual Reports, Fundraising Campaigns, Earned Media (press releases, enterprised story ideas, op-ed pieces), Owned Media (website, social media), and Paid Media (advertising)

-- Market Research featuring Primary Research (focus groups, 1-on-1 interviews, questionnaires, surveys), Secondary Research, and Community Needs Assessment


-- AARP, ALearn, Bon Secours Richmond Health Foundation, Carpenter Center for the Performing Arts, ElderHomes Corporation, Hope Hospice, La Familia Counseling, Medical College of Virginia, Morgan Autism Center, Northern California Hemophilia Association, Olive Crest, Ramp Accessibility Made Possible by Students (RAMPS), State Fair of Virginia/Atlantic Rural Exhibitions, The Cathedral City Senior Center, Tri-City Health Center, Tuckahoe Little League, United Way of Greater Richmond Virginia, University of Virginia Neurological Institute, Virginia Blood Services, Western Clinicians Network.

"We are given two hands, one for ourself and the other to help someone else."

-- Audrey Hepburn, award winning actress, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, and Recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom

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