"Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts.  This is the secret of success."  -- Swami Sivananda


Get To Know Consumers So Well, Your Product/Service Will Almost Sell Itself.

WSB creates value for businesses by helping them form compelling value propositions and winning marketing strategies. We do this by combining imagination with traditional and novel evidence-based research and analytics to identify consumer's unmet needs and hiddent market opportunities for brands and companies.  

The term "evidence-based" means our consulting activities reflect current research, theory and best practices in order to identify the emotions, motives, and behaviors that drive the purchase decisions of consumer segments.  By aligning the brand and marketing strategies with consumer needs and desires, our clients may better exceed their specific financial goals.

While a marketing strategy’s short-term goal is to drive revenues, its long-term objective is to build brand and customer relationships.  WSB is uniquely qualified to do both and does so by integrating strategic marketing with allied services in leadership development, branding and communications. 

Understanding what drives consumers’ attitudes and behaviors requires more than qualitative and quantitative market research methods. It demands knowing neuromarketing principles and best practices.

The reason one brand appeals more to consumers than its competitors has nothing to do with buyer's being rational actors or honestly expressing their desires. In truth, our "thoughts" begin with emotions and occur subconsciously -- within a millisecond. There are social psychological factors at play, too, also based on emotional connections to "in-groups" and disdain for "out-groups." 

Neuromarketing closes the knowledge gap between traditional research methods by using neuroscience techniques to reveal subconscious consumer decision-making processes. We assess brain and biometric processes and behaviors for insights into how consumers regard products, pricing, promotions, points of purchase, and brand positioning.   

Neuromarketing Services:

-- Biometrics

-- Consumer Neuroscience and/AI Machine Learning

-- Electroencephalography (EEG)

-- Eye-tracking

-- Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

-- Galvanic Skin Response

-- Implicit Measures

Legacy Marketing Services:

-- Ansoff's Market Growth Strategies Analysis

-- Community Needs Assessments

-- Conjoint Analysis

-- Custom-Made Advanced Computer Simulations

-- Custom Analytics

-- Demographic Analysis

-- Economic Value to the Customer (EVC) Studies 

-- Focus Groups

-- Growth Share Matrix Analysis

-- HECON Studies

-- Marketing Plan Development

-- One-on-One Interviews

-- Perceptual Mapping


-- Porter's Five Forces

-- Predictive Analytics

-- Product Life Cycle Analysis

-- Secondary Research

-- Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP) Studies


-- Strategic Planning

-- SWOT Analysis

-- Vision Statement Development


-- Acambis, Inc., Allergan, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Biomet/EBI, Columbia Picturres, Commonwealth Biotechnologies, Covalent Group, Donate Life Now/Coalition on Organ Donation, Dynport Inc., EMMES Corp., George Washington University Health Center, Hope Hospice, Kendle Incorporated, Metropolitan Hospital, St. John's Behavioral Health Hospital, St. Mary's Hospital, Stryker/SpineCore, Targacept, Target Research Associates, United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), Universal Studios, University of Virginia Neurologcal Institute, Virginia HealthSource, Warner Bros. Pictures, Williamsburg Community Hospital, and more than 500 primary care, medical and surgical specialists in private practice.



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